
Diablo 2 character
Diablo 2 character

diablo 2 character

Personally, I blame Mephisto so I used him as the header image for the article. This is becoming more and more relevant for PC players as well, as many have been finding the controller-based gameplay to be pretty great and are switching over, so maybe give it a try (while slowly pressing buttons in the menus). This is a pretty serious issue and hopefully we'll get some sort of delete confirmation windows added soon, but until then be VERY careful in the character menu if you're playing with a controller.

diablo 2 character

However, accidental deletion of characters has also affected some keyboard and mouse players, as it's just too easy to instantly delete them, although not quite as much as on controllers:

diablo 2 character

The primary concern is very much a controller-specific issue, as the required button presses are on the most used buttons (X and A on Xbox controllers) and we've now had several players reporting having deleted their high level characters because of it. Here's another warning for anyone playing with a controller (and even on mouse and keyboard to a lesser extent), whether it's on console or on PC, as deleting your character is entirely too easy and can happen to anyone!

Diablo 2 character